I'll admit it, I get crazy jealous when my musically knowledgeable guy friends profess their unbridled love if indie girls that I just don't find attractive or interesting at all (e.g. Zooey Deschanel and Joanna Newsom...ugh). But when they wax poetic about Lykke Li, I totally get it. She's unashamed of her ambition and she conceals sexually explicit lyrics with a sweet and innocent (though always powerful) singing voice. She writes her own tunes and runs her own label. Plus, she's kind of gorgeous in an offbeat kind of way. "I Follow Rivers" features clanky, natural instruments and tribal rhythms. It's the second single off her second album Wounded Rhymes, due to drop in early March. She'll also be stopping by Webster Hall in May. See you there?

Vivian Girls' Katy Goodman's solo project La Sera's new track doesn't sound as effortless as "Never Come Around" but it's still sing-song-y and nostalgic and is keeping me very excited to hear the full-length coming out on Hardly Art on February 15th.
There is this wonderful blog called We All Want Someone To Shout For that always turns me on to great tracks from British artists. This song is wonderful in its simplicity and sparseness. And the kid is only 16!
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